We had Leadership Exchanges this week. It
is when we swap with missionaries across the mission instead of just
within the District or Zone. We found two new investigators, and by that
I mean for the other Elders area that I was in. Micky and Shaylee. They
are awesome. Micky wasn't sure if God existed but he prayed at the end
of the lesson which is a huge thing. Shaylee believed in a God and has
gone to different churches with her friends, including ours, but has
never really studied Him.
We also have a baptism coming up
in the District. She has been through a lot as she has made the decision
to be baptized. She got kicked out and disowned by her parents. Quit
collage so she could pick up a full time job so she can live and has had
a few other hurdles to get over. She and her boyfriend were having
problems. But when she had finally made the decision to be baptized and
work with him she said it was a whole lot easier than she thought it
would be. 1 Nephi 3:7 at work!! I love it when the scriptures can be
applied to our lives.Tuesday, October 27, 2015
October 26, 2015
Saturday, October 24, 2015
October 19, 2015
This week was good. We were packed with service. Elder Farnsworth
is a big bike guy and there is this second chance exchange place that
asked for our help to fix/repair the bikes so they could donate them to
Bikes for Boise or something like that. So we now have an ongoing
service project. It is fun because I get to learn how to fix my problems
on my bike.
We also helped a family split
wood. For 6 hours. Funny enough though only my right hand thumb hurts.
Where as the other elders that helped said they hurt all over. We all
walked away with minimal injury. One got hit in a bad place by a piece
of wood that was on the splitter that jumped off. I dropped a hundred or
so lb stump on my toe. It is good I think I don't think it is broken.
Other than that this week kind of just slipped by. I was surprised when Sunday came around.
Elder McCallson
October 12, 2015
This week was awesome!!
Josh was Baptized!! Pic further down. The
ward has been working with and on him for the last three years when his
mom was baptized. He finally decided it was time for him to make this
We also found two new investigators
Micah and Heydn (no i did not misspell his name). They are 9 and 12 and
their dad was baptized a little over a year ago and have been attending
church with him but have never really had an interest in being baptized.
I have noticed in just this last month or so is that the youth of the
world are searching for God. It has been interesting as most of our
investigators are youth. I guess after the strict years of religion
pushing then with the generation of step off we are hitting a generation
who wants the love that only Heavenly Father can provide.
testimony is that there is some things that only God can provide and
that only parents can come close to, insert a word that is stronger than
copy, in the lives of the children of men. We are just like children
when it comes to our problems. I have see a few kids that kick and
scream when they don't get what they want so they turn to things that
make them more unhappy and others that take it patiently until they
either get their way or figure ways that work just as well. That is what
I think Christ was saying when he told us to be like a child. We just
get caught up often in the heat of the moment and through a temper
tantrum and blame the only being in the universe that cares more about
our happiness than his own.
When times are
going rough remember one that some one has it worse than you but two
there is always a Father in Heaven to turn to instead of the things of
the world that bring only temporary happiness then greater anger,
sadness, frustration, etc.
Josh's Baptism
October 5, 2015
This week was fantastic. With General Conference and the service we
got to do it just flew by. This was the last week of the transfer.
Elder Farnsworth and I are still together for at least one more. It is
crazy because most of the missionaries I know are going home now. My
trainer just went home.
I think one of the
hardest things is when people ask how long have you been out, or how
long do you have left. I don't really want to think about it. It makes
me a little sad. I have been out for over a year already and I am still
learning so much. I don't want it to end.
conference was awesome!! I just sat and listened as they spoke. It was
amazing to me to have very little distractions and just listen intently
on what they were speaking. One of my favorite parts was Elder Holland's
talk about mothers. Before you do anything bad think of your mother
(Butchered that quote). Really though that has been one of my biggest
motivators to do what is right. It has helped get me to where I am now.
know that our experience here on earth is only a fraction of what our
Heavenly Father feels for us but I know that He is even more saddened
because we move ourselves from Him.
But through
the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ we can come to our Father in
Heaven. I really think that that was one of the biggest things talked
about in General Conference.
I love you all,
Elder McCallson
September 28, 2015
This week was a little slow. We had this list that we have been
working through to see if anyone is interested in us sharing our message
at their house. So far no one has really been enthusiastic about us
coming back, but we have found a few people that missionaries have
stopped by in the past and said we could come back. They just follow
that up with "I'm, [insert religion here]."
Anyway, we are excited for General Conference this Saturday and Sunday!! Most
of our investigators have said that they would watch it, they also said
that we could come and watch it with them so that we can explain things
that they don't understand. We has Marisa and Ryan come to church and
the first time was when we got a new Bishop on a fast Sunday then they
came this last week which was the Primary Program and the next week is
General Conference then we will be back at a fast Sunday again. They are
just not able to see how a regular Sacrament Meeting is like. Anyways
Ryan grew up with no real religious background so we are building up his
faith that there is a God. He has always believed that there was a
higher power but never really had something to hold on to. So we had a
great opportunity, to compare to the scriptures, like Ammon and King
Lamoni. He is always thinking and pondering what we say and then asks
questions. His wife, Marisa grew up Catholic but left when it seemed to
her to be all about the money. She has asked some of the deeper
questions like infant baptism and what a high priest is. They are
Josh is one of the other really
moving investigators. He has a baptismal date for the 10th of October.
We could really use your prayers to keep him on track. His mom is a
convert of about 2 years and his dad is a less active member. His sister
Grace just turned 8 and wants to be baptized and so we are teaching
both of them. It has been awesome to see the difference from those who
really haven't had a religious background to those that have been going
for the last 3 years and just never decided to be baptized.
Other than that not much else has happened.
District in September 2015
September 21, 2015
We had a blast this week. It started off pretty tough though. I had
this horrible runny nose which is still persisting today. I have gotten
up a few times just writing this email to blow my nose. On Monday we
had a Zone P-day and played Mario Cart Balloons where we tied three
balloons around our ankles and tried to kill eachother... I mean pop the
other missionaries balloons. I had a killer headache and so I had this
other missionary hand me like 3 ibpros and 2 advils. I think they may
have been trying to kill me.
We also were able
to hid from all the others that we had made two cheesecakes that
morning. Elder Farnsworth made a Peanut Butter Oreo cheesecake and I
made a Chocolate Marble Cheesecake with Strawberry filling and Chocolate
fudge on the top.
Tuesday we took them to our
District meeting where we also had our mission president, President
Winder, and his wife there to have interviews with us. Needless to say
they really enjoyed it. So did we and our District. Later that night we
taught some investigators that a member had been working with for the
past 4 months or so and they agreed to be baptized. Now we just have to
set a date.
On Wednesday we had a new
missionary training meeting for Elder Farnsworth. They gave us some
really great ideas on how we can better do street contacting which we
have turned into tracting. Well contacting names that missionaries left
behind. The reason I say names is because they had two full sheets of
names and addresses with no information. So that is a bit annoying. But
hey we have had a great time getting the door approach down.
in the week we had a non-member give us casserol, a European squash,
some apples, and some baked potatoes. It was great. I am not sure how
interested they are in hearing the message we have to share but they do
love the missionaries. I have found that there are really two kinds of
people up here. Those who hate missionaries (not just LDS ones but any),
and those who think it is really neat that we are out here serving the
Lord. There might be a small minority of people who really don't care
what we are doing.
Other than that we really didn't have much else happen this week.
Elder McCallson
Another Beautiful Sky
September 14, 2015
This week was awesome! I am not sure what to write about though. We
had an opportunity to go to the Temple this week. That always makes
things better. We also set a baptismal date with a 14 year old boy that
has just been hesitating to get baptized for the last 3 years.
also have been working on getting our investigators to church. That has
been one of the greatest problems I have run into on my mission. JUST
One of the greatest miracles I
have had on my mission is to come to truly understand my relationship
with my Father in Heaven. All the doctrine and speculation aside, I have
found that Heavenly Father is constantly reaching out to us to bring us
back into His light. As I have tried to go closer a wider and wider
chasm seems to appear. The more I try to change to become like Christ
the farther I feel at times. As missionaries we teach about the Gospel
of Jesus Christ. Faith in Christ, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the
Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End. Well, I have already
been baptized and received the gift of the Holy Ghost. But what of Faith
and Repentance and Enduring? I always though the I had good faith,
knowing that it could always be stronger, but until I had to put it to
the test to defend the Church and Christ from others; my faith has
increased so much. Now repentance. First repentance isn't a bad thing,
nor is it always because you sin. If you take the work repentance it
means to change from who you are to who God wants you to be. That has
been a great struggle for me. I would have never said that I was a very
prideful person, but as I have been trying to give my whole heart and
soul to God; I have really come to see how much work I have to do. I
guess that is also what it means to Endure. My thing is that I don't
want to just Endure I want to Endure Well. To go from I am doing this or
that because I have to, to I am a disciple of Jesus Christ because I
want to be. I have found that that is the best change that anyone here
on earth can make. I can honestly say that since I have been out I have
changed on many things. I know that Heavenly Father loves each one of us
as His children. We are of Noble Birth. Nothing is impossible with the
I love you all!
Elder McCallson
Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake, YUM!
Elder Farnsworth and Me
August 31,2015
week was awesome! I have a new, new companion, Elder Farnsworth. He
just stepped off the plane Tuesday. He is awesome. I know that this next
transfer is going to be fantastic. Mostly because he gets my obscure
movie quotes and reminds me of Elder Jared Morris. I will try to send a
picture next week of the two of us but we will have to see if I can
I have noticed many things on my
mission, but one of the biggest things is...I forget easily. If I don't
write it in my planner then I completely space whatever it was that we
were suppose to do. I am so glad that we are in companionships because
at least one of us remembers to write something down so we don't forget
I am not really sure what else to
write. It gets harder and harder, while you are on a mission, to think
of things to write home about. We have slowly been cleaning up all the
potential people that may or may not be interested in hearing our
message. It is hard because they never seem to be home when we stop by. I
sometimes wonder if missionaries just talk to the person outside then
write their name down as a potential investigator and forget to go back,
so that when another missionary, me, gets to the area they think,"Sweet
look at all the work we have to do!" Then as you proceed down the list
just about everyone says they are not interested in listening to us. It
is heart breaking at times because I want them to know the Joy and
Blessings that the message of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus
Christ can bring them.
I can also tell that the
adversary is working on them too. We come across some very rude people
that don't use very nice words when telling us to leave. Also as we ride
down the streets sometimes you can hear people yell things.
personal thoughts on this is why do they yell at us? Do the Jehovah's
Witnesses get yelled at when they are walking down the road proselyting?
If so, why? "Can't we all just get along?" I was always taught if you
don't have something nice to say, yell at the person to make them want
to yell at me back to get our points across... oh wait, it may have been
DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL! But, everyone has their agency some just are
not as smart when it comes to using theirs... I am not sure if that is a
nice thing for missionaries to say but, i'm only human; and I am trying
to be like Jesus. So I don't yell back or anything and I try to think
that maybe they just had a bad day or experience with a member and when
they really come to know about the Church they will change their mind.
It is just getting the opportunity to go back and teach that is the hard
thing, because they have already decided that they are not interested
in anything we have to say.
But, all in all,
most of the people we come into contact with are really nice at turning
us away. They say how appreciative they are that we are out here sharing
our message about Christ but they already found Him and are good. So we
just have to smile and try a little more to see if they might want us
to come back, but then some start to get agitated and tell us a little
more forcefully that they are not interested. We have to just smile and
wave goodbye. Then we write their name down for the next set of
missionaries to stop by... :P
Summer is on the
downhill slide. I thought that when summer started that work would go
up due to people being home. But here it is the complete opposite.
Everyone wants to get out of the heat and go to the lake. So things will
start to get back to normal as people will be in town.
note: will someone find me a definition for what a Christian is? Or if
there are multiple definitions or classifications would you send those
to me.
Elder McCallson
Elder Farnsworth, the new arrival

August 24, 2015
This week was awesome! We are still working on finding new investigators and teaching but, all is well.
Davis got transferred to Boise Central Stake where I use to be. Not the
same ward but the same district I was in. I am still a District Leader
and a trainer. I will get to meet the fresh meat... I mean, new
missionaries on Tuesday, as that is the day they step off the plane to
get to Boise. My District has grown from 3 companionship including my
own to 4. We added another set of Elders. Elder Lowe and a new
missionary who will also be stepping off the plane Tuesday.
Meadowlark ward, the ward we covered the last three weeks, was sad to
see us go. I didn't realize how much the loved us until the Bishop took
us aside, when he learned that we were getting transferred out, and told
us that he had talked with President Winder to keep us serving in his
ward. I think that was the first time a Bishop has wanted me to stay in
his ward. Or at least told me that he wanted us to stay.
also had to leave behind our new convert, Cheri, but I will still get
to see her as the ward is still in my District and I will get to go on
exchanges there at times.
I left my camera behind so I will send pictures next week.
know that my Redeemer lives, I know that He is ever watchful and knows
when we are strongest and when we are weakest. I know that He allows us
to be tempted but that if we turn to Him in all we do He will give us
strength beyond anything that we could imagine. I know that as we grow
our relationships with our families through faith in Jesus Christ that
we will come closer not only to each other but to our Heavenly Father
and the Savior. If you truly search for Heavenly Father in your life He
will show Himself. But only to those who are willing the change their
hearts, views, and ideas about what they have been taught to the Truth
that He has to share. He is waiting to bless you, will you delay?
Peace be unto you,
Elder McCallson
August 17, 2015
ps: that is Elder McCallson by the way.

August 10, 2015
This was the
first full week of having a second ward here. I can honestly say that I
have never been more busy in my whole mission than I am right now.
A green smoothie?
Homemade Cheesecake
August 3, 2015
This week was awesome! We had
Leadership Exchanges (three zones get together at the mission office
where we switch companions for a day, the senior companions have a
little training meeting too) my companion was Elder Hull. I had met him
one time before when I was in my first area. We got a lot of work done. It was great.
We also were called up by our
Mission President to cover another ward. So, with that ward added on we
now have very little time for anything. This is the second time that I
have had the opportunity to balance two wards. By that I mean being
the first set of missionaries to cover both those wards. It is fun and
exhausting and exciting all at the same time. The only problem is we
don't know if we are going to continue to serve there or if it is just
for the rest of the transfer. So we shall see.
month we were invited by the Summerwind ward to read the Book of Mormon
in the month (August Rush). So, I naturally accepted. I have done this
before and had it as a goal for the new year to do it every month, the
only problem is that some days you just don't have enough time to read
all that you need to and study for your lessons and prepare this and go
here or there. So it kind of dropped off.
I am excited
to start the month of August off with a firm resolution to trust firmly
in the Lord and search His word. I love you all.
July 20, 2015
I really don't have much to report
this week as all our time was spent catching me up on the people we are
working with, meeting with the Auxillary Leaders (Relief Society and
Primary mostly), and the Ward Mission Leader. I had my first district meeting
which was on planning, and had to kick a dead horse, in a sense, because
I have no new ideas on how to plan better. We will see how my next one
goes.July 13, 2015
Well this is an interesting week. I knew that I was going to be
transferred so I started making my rounds to say goodbye to all the
awesome people. It was a bitter sweet moment for me. I really feel like I
am understanding what other missionaries were talking about.
always thought that 6 months really isn't enough time for you to become
close with lots of people, but I was proved wrong. I know that I will
miss them but no where is really far in this mission. So I will see them
I didn't expect what happened with this
call. I am now a District Leader and follow up training a
missionary, Elder Davis. It will be really interesting to see how it will
all turn out. Please and thank you for the prayers.
Last Zone P-day we had was okay. We had an elder bring this game called Munchkin and I ended up getting roped into a 2 1/2 hour game. Other
than that this week was full of contacting with no real "success" as
people would classify it. On Saturday Eagle had this thing called "Eagle
Fun Days". They had this great parade that marched down State Street, but
at the end, the fire department gots out their hoses and the people of
the community brought water guns and there was a huge water fight. Needless
to say...we got wet!
I am glad that I had the great opportunity to meet the people of Eagle and serve them.
I really ran out of things to write.
Just be good,
Elder McCallson
July 6, 2015
This week was the 4h of July. I could literally see 20 different shows
from our loft. We had to be in by 8 and I guess that was good because I
really wanted to light off fireworks and because I am a missionary I
can't, so that was a load taken off my shoulders.
family we live with left for a vacation so they asked us to take care of
their dogs, fish, and turtle. We later learned that they had been in a
car wreck with a horse in Wyoming. That was interesting. They are all
good but the car I guess was totaled.
The heat has been horrible...being over 100 all week long. Until Sunday, that is, when it rained and dropped to 72.
helped some non-members move to a new house...which is still in the
mission so I may have the opportunity to serve in their ward.
than that I am looking forward to this next week. We will see on
Saturday if I get transferred or if I have the opportunity to stay here.
I hope all is well back home.
God be with you till I write again,
Elder McCallson
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