To whom it may concern,
I am so grateful for this
opportunity to write you this week. Quite a bit has happened and quite a
lot has changed. It has been a tough week. But, I am happy that I have
this gospel. Without all the knowledge I can obtain it would be
depressing. I would exhort all of you with all the energy of my soul to
take a look at how much of this gospel you truly understand. I would
like you to write down what you know. Then from there, gain more. "Do you
have time for God?"
I know that as you work hard to
understand the doctrine better, revelation will come. In fact, you are
entitled to revelation. Just look at the Brother of Jared. It said his
faith was so great that he could not, not will not or should not, but
could not be held within the veil.
We as humans put
stipulations on revelation, saying it has to be God's will or I just
don't need to know. That is one of the Devil's best lies...because almost
everyone believes it.
Please remember we have a loving
Heavenly Father who wants us to know everything he does and is just
waiting for us to seek for it.
I love you all and hope you remember to thank God for all you have,
Elder McCallson
Good Eating
Awesome album cover
Boise's Capitol Building
Man, That game is so important, it has say I the Idaho Senate!
Halloween is Awesome!
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